How much food should I keep on hand?

Published: 01 June, 2020

From The Philadelphia Inquirer
By Grace Dickinson

For any pandemic, before it strikes, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends storing up enough food and water for two weeks. Now that we’re in one, experts say you need to maintain — or better yet, set aside until needed — that two-week supply in case you get sick with COVID-19. The reason why is that if you get sick, it is important that you don’t leave the house, or come into contact with others, until you’re better.

Even if you don’t get sick, you might need that two weeks’ supply of food. If you come in contact with someone with COVID-19, the CDC says you need to stay at home (“quarantine”) for 14 days, starting from the last date you were exposed.

You should set aside a two-week ration of shelf-stable foods, like canned beans and soups, grains, dried pastas, and jarred tomato sauce, that you don’t touch until needed or until the pandemic’s over. If you want to expand your protein options, try tuna and other tinned fish, as well as vacuum-sealed meats, and don’t forget about nuts, which can be stored in the freezer for freshness.

Read the full article: Did you eat your two-week food supply? Here’s why you need to restock it. Now.

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