Can I hang out with my friends if we stay six feet apart?

Published: 27 May, 2020 | Last updated: 27 May, 2020 6:06 pm | Español

From The Philadelphia Inquirer
By Jonathan Lai

You’re allowed to get your exercise, including going for walks and runs. You’re allowed to go to the store. What you shouldn’t do is hang out, even if you can maintain enough distance that you won’t spread the virus, said Suzanne Willard, associate dean of global health at Rutgers School of Nursing.

Willard said you should follow the guidelines and stay home except for individual exercise or essential trips, such as to buy groceries.

Staying six feet apart, the experts said, is for when you have to go outside and be near other people. But the higher priority is to stay at home and not be exposed to others in the first place.

Read the full article: Can I hang out with my friends if we stay six feet apart for social distancing?

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